Swim Manager Swimmer Edition

by JaviMar



If you liked the Swimmer app (available in the Store), now you have Swim Manager, an app focused solely on pool competition swimming.With the Swim Manager app you will be able to register all your swimming activities in a powerful database to be up to date with your progress. In addition, it has professional swimming plannings developed by the company Swimtonic. With these plannings you will know how you are swimming by splits, uniform and negative and compared those to your personal times.This app (feature not included in this version) can be fully customized for each club (colors, logos, fonts, etc), and together with the Coach multi-swimmer app (Swim Manager Coach Edition not in the store) that allow coaches to form relays automatically, all style-swimming plans, and sharing races between swimmers and coaches, form the Swim Manager Suite pack. If you or your club are interested, contact me for more details.Besides all this, with Swim Manager Swimmer Edition you can:• Make powerful searches e.g. best times for a race name, style, top times, etc.• Open water module included• Calculate your swim pace automatically.• Backup copies of your data into your Google Drive.Swim Manager Swimmer Edition is available in English and Spanish, is totally secure and hardly consumes mobile resources.If you like, pease give it a 5 stars. The app is totally free and has no ads, so positive votes are greatly appreciated.Share it with your team, and enjoy our sport!